A mint condition 'larger than average' (8.75in/22cm) ewer in traditional Doulton Lambeth style, and impeccable condition, signed by Elizabeth Atkins. If it's a 'newer ewer' you are looking for, then this is it - except that it was made in the period 1892-1902. Even the rim is as smooth as a bab...... well, its very smooth! It is also bigger than usual. If you look at the additional information you will see an extra image if you click on the "zoom images" button.
The ewer has the impressed Doulton Lambeth mark and the word ENGLAND underneath, dating the ewer to 1892-1902. It has the incised monogram of Elizabeth Atkins and the series number 592.
The ewer is in mint condition, without any chips, cracks, crazing, restoration or significant scratches. Ewers of this style often suffer from grime in the glaze. The ewer weighs 1002g.