An elaborate 5" (12.5cm) incised Douton Lambeth Silicon Ware beaker with floral designs and architectural patterns by Edith D Lupton. The floral decoration reaches around most of the beaker.
This 5" beaker dates from before 1891, when the addition of the word 'England' to the Doulton backstamp became mandatory. It had the Doulton Lambeth Silicon stamp and a host of artists monograms. Recognisable among them are Susanna Sanderson and Ada Maycock. It also has Edith Lupton's opus number 203. Most of the decoration is sgraffito, but additional pate-sur-pate, gilding, and mosaic techniques have been used. In terms of the variety of techniques used, this is a real 'show off' piece.
Edith Lupton worked at Lambeth from 1875 to 1890, and apart from making her own designs, she worked with such top names as Eliza Simmance, and Florence and Hannah Barlow.
The beaker is in excellent condition, with no chips cracks, restorations or crazing.