This Royal Doulton vase is typical of the later works of Eliza Simmance, one of Doulton's most brilliant designers. Gone are the deep incised cuts of her earlier work, to be replaced by delicately drawn brush-line designs of roses, remeniscent of Burne-Jones's Briar Rose paintings. Its tall elegant shape and strong blue body project a dominant image.
The vase has the incised monograms of Eliza Simmance and one of her most able assistants at Doultons, Bessie Newbery. Also undeneath are Eliza Simmance's design number 441, the Royal Doulton impressed mark, and the coded date stamp 'h' for 1908.
The vase is in 100% mint condition. No cracks, chips, crazing, restoration or significant scratches.